Večen bo na vas spomin - Manica Koman, 1915


8th January
American President Woodrow Wilson published 14 points with a peace plan, including the right of the nations in Austria-Hungary to autonomy and national borders.

3rd March
Agreement of a separate peace treaty in February; in March, Russia and Ukraine signed a peace treaty in Brest Litovsk.

25th March
At a great manifestation in Ljubljana, Dr Anton Korošec received around 200,000 collected signatures of Slovenian women and girls supporting May Declaration.

12th May
Rebel of the soldiers of the reserve battalion of the Slovenian 17th Infantry Regiment in Judenburg. Several days later, the soldiers in Marau and Radgona rebelled as well.

16th August
The National Council, which later developed into a central Slovenian government, was established in Ljubljana.

26th September
Establishment of the National Council for Styria in Maribor.

5th and 6th October
Establishment of the National Council of Slovenians, Croats and Serbs in Zagreb.

17th October
Manifest of Emperor Karl to the nations of the monarchy promising changes before the disintegration of Austria-Hungary.

28th October
Declaration of the Czechoslovak Republic by the Czech National Council.

29th October
Large manifestations at Congress Square in Ljubljana for the proclamation of the State of Slovenians, Croats and Serbs.

31st October
Appointment of the National Government of the State of Slovenians, Croats and Serbs.

3rd November
The Supreme Command of the Austro-Hungarian Army signed a peace treaty in Villa Giusti near Padova with the Kingdom of Italy and the army of the ‘Entente’, represented by the Kingdom of Italy. Already on 5th November, the Italians cross the old Austro-Hungarian Italian border, occupied Trieste and started to occupy Primorska (the Littoral) and parts of Notranjska (Interior Carniola).